Tofu Cookery: Jewish-Style Cabbage Rolls

Both my husband and I come from Ukrainian-Canadian families. So I’ve had my share of cabbage rolls (holubtsi). However, Ukrainian-Canadian cabbage rolls, at least in our families (I realize each family is going to differ on this), are typically just rice and sauteed onion rolled up in cabbage, baked with Campbell’s tomato soup (very traditional, I’m sure).

I’m certainly not a cabbage roll expert. My understanding is that Polish-style cabbage rolls (globaki) are more likely to have meat in them. There are about a bajillion other versions of cabbage rolls from other countries as well.

Anyhoo, Tofu Cookery has a recipe for Jewish-style cabbage rolls, or holishkes. Wikipedia tells me that these also typically have meat. Can you guess what’s in the Louise Hagler version? That’s right, tofu.

The filling consists of cooked rice, mashed up tofu, onion, and garlic. Alright, I”m on board with that. Where this fell apart for me was the sauce. The sauce is made with water, tomato paste, raisins, and sweetener. I was not a fan. The sweetness was a real turn-off. Give me my tomato soup cabbage rolls any day.

They weren’t perfect, but I was pretty proud of my rolling capabilities. My mother-in-law rolls them absolutely perfect, but she’s probably made thousands upon thousands throughout her life. When we lived closer to her, she would make me a batch of vegan cabbage rolls (basically she just subs out dairy butter for vegan butter to saute the onions, the rest of her recipe is already vegan) and stash them in her freezer. Yum!

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5 thoughts on “Tofu Cookery: Jewish-Style Cabbage Rolls

  1. Autumn says:

    Man, I love cabbage rolls. My family’s recipe used ground beef. I would like to modify it to be vegan! I can’t remember what we put in the tomato sauce.

    Off to call dad….

  2. I haven’t had cabbage rolls since I was a kid, definitely wasn’t a fan of them back then but I’m sure my tastes have changed. Too bad those ones didn’t turn out, they still look really good!

  3. Laura says:

    Totally weird how you craving-read my mind. I was Googling for vegan cabbage roll recipes with little success. Logged into my WordPress. Find this on the dash. I love a serendiptious recipe find 🙂

  4. These look amazing! I come from a Polish family and grew up with the meaty (ew) version which are called golabki (pronounced “ga-lump-ki”) in Polish. I have to check this out….or try to come up with my own version.

  5. Rose Taylor says:

    Wow! This looks scrumptous! I’m not a vegan but I would love to try this cabage roll recipe. Thanks for sahring!

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